Monday, 13 January 2014

The Boom Room is coming alive.

We first moved into our space on rue William in our lovely city of Montreal at the beginning of November, 2013 with plans to transform a large open loft into a hub of artistic freedom.

I should mention that although I don't know exactly how old this building is, the infrastructure and "amenities" has me guessing over a century.
Layered paint jobs, external plumbing and electrical systems, sparse insulation, little sound-proofing between lofts, old wood beams, and huge factory windows definitely leaves us feeling like classic bohemians.
The upside to a rustic fixer-upper like this is that we've had the freedom to construct and modify as we like (with a few professional opinions where they are appropriate).

Our dreams for The Boom Room include live concerts, dance parties, music recording and production, beautiful murals, and nice massage trains that quickly turn into massive orgies.

Okay, well we're optimistic people.

The brilliant Tristan Arsenault begins work on one of our walls. The first of many amazing murals to come. 
So far we have had a lot of really fun and inspiring moments in this building; sharing it with friends and new faces alike. We've also been busy building, fixing, and making things look and sound pretty for when you come to join us.
We took some pictures tonight to show you how things are shaping up.

Brandon, throwing down some dope mixes. 
Ripping down a section of wall to make the DJ booth up on the mezzanine was one of the first steps we took.
We recently purchased a PA from craigslist that that we are extremely pleased with as well.

Making a few mixes daily is good for our mental and emotional stability.

And our neighbours love it too!
We're not sure how many can fit on our dance floor but we'd love to find out. 

Sound-proofing the studio space has so far proven to be the biggest challenge for us, but we approach it like men; full of blind confidence, occasional bouts of rage, sometimes pausing to skim through instructions, and remembering that there is indeed still beer in our fridge.

This place is definitely turning us handy.

We believe that when you need something, the universe provides.
That's why we always manage to find the timber, foam, fabric, etc. required.
We also have to thank the awesome people who live in this building who are constantly lending us power tools and other cool equipment that really help things move faster.
As well to all the tips we've received from people who actually did already know what to do.

The floating floor is now finished with hockey pucks and modified pallets which have been stuffed with foam. We're currently working on the walls with some pretty pro insulation.

Can't wait to be back in action with the most proper setup we've ever had, as well as the time to take advantage of it.
More updates coming soon!

Zaman Naimi-Roy